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Alabama QSO Party News

  • (September 14, 2024) 2024 Alabama QSO Party Results and Certificates Available
  • (June 2nd, 2024) 2024 Alabama QSO is July 27th 2024 ..… Rules are the same as 2023 except dates
  • (October 15th, 2023) 2023 Alabama QSO Party Results and Certificates Available
  • (April 18th, 2023) 2023 Alabama QSO is September 9th 2023 ..… Rules are the same as 2022 except dates
  • (October 13th, 2022) 2022 Alabama QSO Party Results and Certificates Available
  • (April 4th, 2022) 2022 Alabama QSO Party is September 10th 2022 ….. Rules are the same as 2021 except dates.
  • (May 27th, 2021) 2021 Alabama QSO Party is September 11th 2021 ….. Rules are the same as 2020 except dates.
  • (February 1st, 2021) 2020 Certificates available for eligible category Winners. Certificates
  • (December 17th, 2020) 2020 AQP Results posted – 2020 AQP Results Certificates will be available soon for printing!!
  • (September 9th, 2020) Bonus points (200pts) will be awarded for working K4ACG or W4AQP during the AQP per either CW or SSB modes and each band they are worked.
  • (September 5th, 2020) We have a QSO Party Spotting Network – Spotting Network
  • (August 19th, 2020) Plaques are back: Yup the AQP Committee has reestablished the Plaque Awards program for 2020 and the foreseeable future thanks to plaque sponsors . Sponsors will be duly noted on each plaque and would appreciate a thank you note to the sponsor on receipt of a plaque.
    Here are the categories that plaques will be awarded at the discretion of the AQP Committee :
    Top DX – SSB/CW     Top USA – CW/SSB/Mixed/QRP     Top VE
    Top AL Low Power – CW/SSB/Mixed     Top AL High Power – CW/SSB/Mixed     Top AL Multi-op
    Top AL QRP     Top Rover – Assisted/Unassisted     Top Youth Op (0-18yrs)
  • (August 6th, 2020) AQP rules remain unchanged from 2019. Rules are located here..
  • (September 3rd, 2019) N1MM Logger+ has been updated to reflect our new phone points structure, with the release of version 1.0.7937. It should offer to upgrade to the latest version the next time you start the application. If not, you can find updates here.
  • (August 25th 2019) The 2019 Rules have been updated. Bottom line: More points!
  • (May 18th 2019) The date for this year’s running of the AQP will be September 14th.  Times will remain the same as last year. There will be one change to the scoring for the AQP.  Beginning this year, both CW and SSB QSO’s will have a point value of 2.  The logging program admins/developers are being contacted to accommodate this change.  Stand by for further announcements.
  • (Aug 22nd 2018) GenLog is now updated to accommodate the 2018 rules.
  • (Aug 15th 2018) N1MM+ and N3FJP logging programs have been updated to conform with the 2018 AQP rules.
  • (May 27th 2018) The revised rules for the AQP have been posted.  Please review.  If you have questions, use the “Contact Us” link to request clarification.
  • (April 7th 2018) Big changes are coming to the AQP!  Most notably, the date will be moving from June to September.  The date for the 2018 AQP will be 1500 UTC September 1, to 0300 UTC September 2nd, 2018.  That’s 10:00 AM CDST to 10:00 PM CDST September 1, September 2018.  Please check back here often for additional rules changes.
  • (July 4th, 2017) Preliminary results have been posted.  Note: These are preliminary results.  Final results will be posted soon.
  • (July 4th, 2017) The logs received page has been updated.  As of today, 165 logs have been received.  Please checked the logs received link above to verify your submission.  If there are any issues, please use the Contact Us link to let us know.  Thanks again to everyone who participated in this year’s running of the AQP.  We hope to see you again next June.  Have safe and happy 4th of July!
  • (June 18th, 2017) The Alabama Contest Group would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s running of the Alabama QSO Party.  Activity was high from both in and out-of-state competitors.  A special thanks goes out to the mobile operations which activated many of the more “rare” counties.  You folks are amazing in both your operating skills and your dedication to the AQP!  The logs received thus far page has been updated.  As of this morning we have received 155 logs.  Please remember to submit your log!  The Alabama Contest Group is already at work planning and organizing the 2018 AQP.  We hope to see you all again then!
  • (May 1st, 2017) The Alabama Contest Group would like to thank Jim Johnson, KC4HW, for building the Alabama QSO Party into the major operating event it has become.  Under Jim’s leadership the AQP has steadily grown over the years.  This could only happen through the hard work and dedication Jim has poured into this effort year in and year out!  The Alabama Contest Group will be hard pressed to live up the the example Jim has set.  Thank you Jim for everything you’ve done for the AQP.  73 and see you in the pile ups!
  • (Jan 16th, 2017) A new group will be taking over the organization/management of the Alabama QSO Party soon.
    • After 12 years of involvement, I only be Mobile participant. By-in-large it has been fun! I have met many many folks along the way and have enjoyed it all! I would like to thank a few people that have helped over the years:
      • My wife, Bonnie has been the chief editor of almost all the documents that were generated over these years.
      • My Daughter, Jennifer, has contributed as a web/graphic designer and in some form or another has contributed to the all the graphics and web pages.
      • Tom Hardison/K4ZGB has been here from the very beginning as the W4AQP Trustee, AQP Treasurer, promoter and participant–always could count on Tom!
      • Tom Moore/WX4TM (SK) was a significant source of support and guidance until he passed–but he is still remembered!
      • Jerry Fiore/N4JF (SK) also a strong support/promoter from the very beginning, I am sorry that he has pasted–but still remembered!
      • Tim Wininger/AB4B supporting the Hamfest publicity for several years!
      • Tom Schwin/W4NBS publicity for several years.
      • Ed Winkler/KJ4LTA supported the certificate program for the last few years!
      • All the mobiles both inside Alabama and that came from outside the state that participated from all the counties in Alabama. With out this support there really would not have been much activity. All the fixed station participants in Alabama and through out the world.
  • (Jan 16th, 2017) We have a new email link for inquires, please send questions or comments to
  • (Jan 16th, 2017) The 2017 Alabama QSO Party Rules have been updated, see the 2017 heading above.